What is included in each post?

Hello Reader,
to understand my post I thought I write a little explaination. Each post has 3 parts.

The first part is always a summary about the pages I read that day. (Part1)

The second part is always about a part I thought was interesting and I made my own opinion about that topic or text phrase. (Part2)

The thrid and last part is always one or more links about a topic which came up during reading the part. I liked the topic and wanted to know more or didn't know what it was. (Part3)

Hope you enjoy reading.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Fourth Night 97-128


In the first part of this chapter Balram talks about the time he lived in Delhi with Pinky Madame, Mr, Ashok and his brother. Pinky Madame and the brother did not get along well, but Mr. Ashok needed him for business meetings. Balram was driving them everywhere and got lost a few times. Mr. Ashok always defended Balram against his brother, when he was angry with him about the driving.
The situation between Pinky and Mr. Ashok’s brother turned out to be worse than Balram thought because he was suppose to bring him to the railway station. Before he left Delhi he told Balram he is suppose to leave the ait conditioning and music out while he is waiting in the car, it’s a rule. And every Ghandi statue he sees is a camera inside, so that the police see everything.
After the brother left Mr. Ashok and Pinky Madame went out a lot more. Her skirts went shorter, her bubs were hanging half out and for Balram the situation was unpleasant. He tried to avoid the rearview mirror to not get aroused.
On morning Balram took his time to get upstairs so Pinky Madame was annoyed and got angry with Balram when she saw how filthy he was. He had to go and wash himself. During that he noticed he got red teeth from all the red paan he ate. After they got back from the mall, Balram went to a local market to by some shoes and a shirt which look similar to the ones Mr. Ashok has. He also bought some toothpaste to get ride of the red teeth.


Pg 121: “Each time she came in with that low black dress, my beak got big. I hated her for wearing that dress; but I hated my beak even more for what it was doing. “

I think in a way it is really funny that he gets attracted by his boss’s wife but really inappropriate in the same time. He must feel really bad about the situation and like he said he hated his beak even more. On the next page he was suppose to make her some ginger tea and during that he is scratching his groin without noticing. Pinky Madame sends him down to clean himself. Is must be so embarrassing for him because he didn’t even know he did something wrong. Later he even blames his dad because he never taught him not to scratch his beak. I think he feels bad about it and tries to avoid the fault.

Pg 127 “Then one night, after Mr. Ashok and Pinky Madame had gone up. I went out to the local market.”

At the market he is going to by a shirt and shoes which are really similar to the ones Mr. Ashok wear that day. I am wondering why he is buying those clothes especially because he said on page 126 and 127 that he would never pick a shirt like that, he needs color. I’m looking forward to continue the reading. I think its most of the time interesting even those he is “just” telling his story of life. Getting to know other lifestyles is important for me, because I think that’s how a person develops in a good way.

Markets in Delhi:


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